Press Releases

(Titles displayed in Chinese characters denote press releases that are available in Chinese only.)
  • 10 July 2024
    Henderson Land Continues Henderson Arts @ Central Collaborating with Local Young Artists to Create an Art Car and Tote Bags Extending the Artistic Atmosphere to the Community
  • 25 June 2024
    Henderson Land Launches “Breaking New Ground” Campaign to Bolster Local Sports Development through Four Key Themes: Inspire, Engage, Play and Cheer
  • 7 June 2024
    Henderson Land Welcomes the First Batch of Tenants into The Henderson
  • 25 March 2024
    恒基地產Henderson Arts @ Central
    「Realising Central Cityscapes」藝術長廊落成 (Chinese only)
  • 9 March 2024
    Henderson Land Organises Urban Farming Experience at Its Organic Farm “Harvest Above” for Strive and Rise Programme
    Reaffirming Commitment to Supporting Local Youth and Embracing Sustainable Living
  • 8 March 2024
    Henderson Land Presents Henderson Arts @ Central
    Joining Forces with 10 Artists to Promote Art Development